Friday 23 September 2011

Icelandic exhibition down- Poland up!

First thing to do is to change focus from Iceland to Poland. These nice Friendship- chains were made on our Icelandic week last spring, and have decorated the halls for some months.  

 The chains consists of drawings and friendly words made by children from 3- 12 years old. This was an idea we got from Svalbardsskoli when visiting them in April.

Next up on display is Poland.

The team travelling in Poland bougt a lot of souvenirs from Poland,  these are now on display in our hallway. There should not be any doubt what country we are focusing on now!

The story about the origami-swans from Swidnik is making a deep impression on the children, and is the most popular object on display.

Comenius work in Norway - staff meeting

 On Wednesday  sept 7th, our full staff of almost 60 teachers, teaching assistants, kindergarden teachers, after school club leaders, deputies and headmaster- spent a full 3 hour eveningmeeting on Comenius.

 8 persons from staff had travelled to Poland and visited our partnerschool in Swidnik, and presented their impressions from Polish school life. Many ideas for further work with pupils and staff based on this trip, were presented. Further on, we planned the Polish Week for our organization, and the upcoming visit from our partners.

We now truly believe that the Comenius-project is a part of Torvmyrane School´s identity. Many from staff have over the last 3 years been able to travel , and the interest in taking part in the project at home has increased proportional. We dare to say our project is a success, and  it is a pity we are only months from the end.