Thursday 13 January 2011

Welsh week at Torvmyrane skule, Norway

Our Welsh week was arranged in the end of  November 2010. Different classes and agegroups learned about Welsh school life through different activities. This is the report from 6th grade,  on their Welsh Friday, the 19th of November.

"Welsh Day.Last Friday we had Welsh Day. We have Welsh Day because we are in a Comenius project. We had our school day exactly as it is in Wales. Now we will tell you what we think about your school day." -  Lene, 11.

"The Carpet. We sat on a carpet because Welsh pupils sit on a carpet on the floor. When we sat on the carpet it was too small..... The carpet was way too small for our class, because we were too many children. Only some of us fit in. The carpet was blue  with a pattern. We sat on the carpet for a while. the teacher sat in front of us. It is weird to sit on the carpet, because normally we sit on a chair by a table.  We have a "ring" of benches where we gather like the Welsh do on their carpet. " Vegard, 11.

"Uniforms. We had uniforms. The uniforms were black and white. The trousers and skirts were black and the jumpers were white. They were nice. At Norwegian schools we don't wear uniforms, we wear our own clothes. Some of us liked wearing uniforms, some did not." Linn Kristin11,  and Andrea, 11.

"Activities. When we had Welsh Day we red the story of "The boy who cried wolf". Our aim was to learn to tell the story. Our classroom was arranged to fit many different activities. Some of us painted.
Some of us searched the internet:
Some of us made a role play about it:

Some of us were reading and writing in English, and some of us were sculpturing clay:

Now we know how your school days are, you have fun! We had a lot of fun" - Julie, 11.

"Breaks. In our break we had to stay in a limited area. Normally we can run into the woods, this time we had to stay close to school. It was cold, and some uf us ran out without their jackets. " -Kristoffer, 11.

"Lunchtime. In our packed lunches today we brought chips, cookies and white bread with something sweet on. On my normal packed lunch I have brown bread with white cheese. I would not like to have chips everyday, but sometimes it would be ok!" - Marion, 11.

"Hot lunch. Now I will tell you what we ate and what it tasted like. First we had to sing a prayer. Then we had our own food, and finally we were served hot lunch. We ate fish and chips with white sauce and vegetables. We were served in the cafeteria (actually our classroom...) abd it tasted good. I thought it was very tasty. It was cooked and served by our dear Mrs. Lindgren. Thank you for reading this. Bye, bye."- Robert, 11 and Ivan, 11.

"Worship. We had to have worship in class this day. That is because ADS is a church school. In Norway we are not allowed to do worship in school. On Welsh Day we sang and said prayers, lit candles and had a little worship corner. Mrs Bugge led the worship. She normally teaches us religion and PE. Normally we call her Maria, we always use our teachers first names." - Sunniva, 11.

"Rewards. If someone was behaving good, or working hard they could be The Star of the Day. Their reward could be extra playtime, special attention or special tasks like lighting candles on assemblys. It was nice. If you were the teachers helper, you could be the Star of the Day. On our Welsh Day, the Star of the Day was allowed to go out of class to play Nintendo DS. On our school we do not have this kind of rewards, but we would really like to!" -. Sara Eline, 11 and Amalie, 11.

We liked trying out a Welsh Schoolday, and most of all we would like to visit ADS ourselves!!
Best wishes from your friends at grade 6, Torvmyrane Skule, Florø, Norway!

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