Tuesday 1 March 2011


We started our day with all the children in Fugleberget. The children are 3, 4 and 5 years old. We were talking about Wales, singing English songs, counting to ten in english and learning to say «My name is......» Really a good session, the children found it very interesting and were participating. Many of them were interested in talking English rest of the day.

We wanted to try the activities we saw a the School with our children. Bjørg had this nice activity, where the childen made their own letter. The childeren were exited and everyone wanted to do it.

Nina and Sonja liked very much the way fairytales were told by the teachers in Wales. We wanted to try this with our children. We chose the same story which they used, «The Three Little Pigs». The children liked it a lot and it was a good way of telling a story, using moves and sounds. Many children told the story along with us.

Britt had a creativ activity, the children had different materials to make a nice «Heart». The children were encouraged to use their fantasy. This heart we brought along when we went to church some days later, there they would use the heats as decoration for Christmas.

We put some easels in one of the rooms, where the children were able to paint, mix coulors and use their fantasy. A lot of beautiful works of art were made.

We had bought white bread, chocolate spread and jam, and chips for lunch. The childrens faces sayed «Is this true......?» Of course everbody wanted to taste as this is not usual to eat for lunch in Norway.

Both grown ups and children found this day very calm and the way of organizing activitities were very good. Active and curious children:) Involved grown ups:) This way of doing things we hope will give us ideas to do our own work with the children even better!! Thanks for all good ideas, Alderman Davies Primary School:)

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